"The measure of a man's greatness is not the number of servants he has, but the number of people he serves"

Who We Are

We are a Christian humanitarian organization helping and serving the hutment settlers, road side dwellers, Physically and mentally challenged, Orphan children, widows and widowers, and most respectfully renewing lives of the Old Aged and Transgender Community at large, irrespective of cast - creed – and Race, by distributing ready to eat freshly cooked meals, snacks, drinking water, medication and groceries.

our story

“Where there is no vision, the people perish; But he that keeps the law, happy is he………. Proverbs 29:18”
This is the word of the year 2020 as taught to us by our church. We believe the word is life, and seeing the word come to life through our vision is a blessing. While majority of the people stayed home with their loved ones, we ventured out to feed and pray for the underprivileged and destitute. It was a beautiful experience how GOD worked through us and  in many ways. We would like to enlighten and encourage our our fellow Christian  brothers and sisters, as well as people of other communities  to have faith over fear. As only with Grace and Faith, GOD shall unveil miracles, and everything we do with our hands shall be blessed by the LORD in abundance.


Blessed with the vision from GOD to Feed the poorest of the poor without looking at cast, creed, or race.
Those people who solicit on the streets to earn a living, our vision is to reach out to such needy and encourage them to live a dignified life. 
Creating opportunity: our aim shall be to source out opportunities for placements, explore the hidden talents of such people providing them a platform for a self-start.
Rehabilitate for self-sustenance: Setting up of an orphanage, Home for the Aged, shall be our priority that we envisage to give them the freedom to live a worry-free life. This process shall gradually eradicate street soliciting.
Educate: To encourage and motivate children who are forced to solicit on the streets to gain basic education(Read/Write)
and the Freedom to study further to possess self skills.
Medical treatment: Focus on the destitute, the sick, the homeless who live on the streets to assist them the medical care.
 Illuminating the home of the poor: Provide solar system to illuminate the homes of the poor.


Altruistically Serve Mankind, Rehabilitate the destitute, Roadside dwellers, Hutment settlers, Orphans children, Old Age care, Mentally & Physically challenged, Support the Transgender transformation, Support widows and widowers for self sustenance. All our humanitarian activities will not be restricted within India, but we shall always be on the lookout for opportunities to move globally.